Bizz Wizz : Setup , Main Menu , Ledger , Phone Book , Invoice Book , Stock Book , Order Book , Creditors , Point of SaleBusiness Name , DiaryWagesDocument Manager , Unlock , Backup

See Also :    POS Scan Main Screen , POS Setup , POS Scan , POS Find Part , POS Edit , POS Hot Keys , POS Archives , POS Sales List , POS Hold , POS List Invoices , POS Finalise , POS Invoice Pay , POS Staff , POS Customer

Pay To Ledger  When you click on the Pay to Ledger button the above window appears.
This will automatically send the Invoice payment to the Ledger, to the category and bank you have selected.

Payment Type:
Select One of the payment types To enable the rest of the screen

Category Codes
   This box shows you the category you are paying the Invoice into.  Select the category you wish to send the payment to by either clicking on the number box or the word box.  This will take you to the Category List.  Select the category you want and click OK or, double click on the category. 

Name or Detail.  The name of the Invoice you are paying is shown in this box automatically.
Description  More information  about the Invoice can be added in this box.
To Bank No.  This box shows you the bank you are sending the payment to. 
The bank number can be changed by either clicking on the number box or pressing the F12 key on your key board.

Day Of Month.  This box shows you the day of the month you are paying the Invoice.  The date can be changed by highlighting, deleting and re entering a different date.  You can also use [-] the hyphen sign, to go backwards one day at a time or the [+] the plus sign to go forwards one day at a time.
Cheque Number   In this box you enter the Cheque number, C for credit card, E for eftpos, DD for direct deposit.  The the box is left blank the word Cash will appear by default.
Full Amount   The total amount of the Invoice appears automatically in this box.  If the client is making a part payment on their Invoice, enter that amount and then continue.
Tax Amount   The GST tax amount appears automatically in this box.
Personal Amount   If there is a personal component to the transaction, the percentage that have been entered in your Income Category list will appear automatically.
Invoice First Created   This is the creation date of the Invoice.
Include in the Deposit Slip   If you select Yes an automatically generated deposit number will be included in the deposit slip in the Ledger.
 If you select No the box will stay blank and not be included.

Bank Name   Enter the name of the bank of your client
Bank Branch    Enter the Branch of the bank.
Account Name   Enter the name of the account.

Exit Button   When you click on the Exit button it will take you back to the Invoice.
Cash Out button  will bring up the cash out dialog box to set the amount of cash out.
Till Open button
  If you click on this button it will open the cash draw.

Change Category button  This will take you to the Category List.  Select the category you want and click OK or, double click on the category. 
Pay as One button    When you are paying a single invoice, click on this button and it will send the transaction to Ledger.
Pay as Multiple button  When you are paying more than one Invoice of the same client click on this button and it will send over the Invoices as individual transactions.



See Also :    POS Scan Main Screen , POS Setup , POS Scan , POS Find Part , POS Edit , POS Hot Keys , POS Archives , POS Sales List , POS Hold , POS List Invoices , POS Finalise , POS Invoice Pay , POS Staff , POS Customer