Bizz Wizz : Setup , Main Menu , Ledger , Phone Book , Invoice Book , Stock Book , Order Book , Creditors , Point of SaleBusiness Name , DiaryWagesDocument Manager , Unlock , Backup

See Also :    POS Scan Main Screen , POS Setup , POS Scan , POS Find Part , POS Edit , POS Hot Keys , POS Archives , POS Sales List , POS Hold , POS List Invoices , POS Finalise , POS Invoice Pay , POS Staff , POS Customer

Key Pad:  Click on this button to return to the Key Pad.
Hot Keys:
 There are four (4) layers of  Hot Keys (160 keys in total) which can be programmed to either list or select stock items.
The four (4) menu buttons on the right control the layers.
Menu 1: 
Click on this button and Hot Keys numbered     1 -   40 will appear.
Menu 2:  Click on this button and Hot Keys numbered   41 -   80 will appear.
Menu 3:  Click on this button and Hot Keys numbered   81 - 120 will appear.
Menu 4:  Click on this button and Hot keys numbered  121 - 160 will appear.
The menu buttons can also change the stock file loaded when you right click on the menu button.

To bring up hot key setup RIGHT click on any of the Hot Keys.

Select button Colour & Caption   Select the colour for the hot key button.  This will reflect in the Button caption box.
Button Caption   Type in what you want the caption to read for that hot key button.


Scan a Part   Select this function to scan for a part number or barcode to add to an Invoice.
Find Text in full List   Tick this option to search in the full stock file for the entered data in the Group name field, part number and description field as per find options below.
Refine Find in current list   Tagging this option will search in the current list or sub list only as per find options below..


To activate this option you must have Scan Part Ticked

Ask Qty   Tick this option to ask for quantity.
Ask Price   Tick this option to ask for price if it needs to be changed.
Ask Discount   Tick this option to ask for a discount on the price.
Enter number to Scan   Enter the part number of the item to find.
Pre Code Number   Part numbers can be broken up into two halves.  Using one hot key for the first half and another for the second.  Tick this option if this is the first half.
Append to Last number   Tick this option if this is the second half of the option above.


To activate this option you must have one of the find text options above ticked, eg (find text in full list or refine find.)
Select one or more options to search for the entered data.

1   Search on Part Number Field  
2   Search on Part Description Field  
3   Search on Catalogue Number Field  
4   Search on Group Name Field  
5   Search on Part Note Field  
Enter number or Text to Find   This is a piece of text you wish to search for in the above fields you have selected.

Show List Full Page   If the price list window is not already set to auto resize ticking this option will expand the stock list for easier viewing.
Save/Exit button   Clicking on this button will save hot key settings.


See Also :    POS Scan Main Screen , POS Setup , POS Scan , POS Find Part , POS Edit , POS Hot Keys , POS Archives , POS Sales List , POS Hold , POS List Invoices , POS Finalise , POS Invoice Pay , POS Staff , POS Customer