Bizz Wizz : Setup , Main Menu , Ledger , Phone Book , Invoice Book , Stock Book , Order Book , Creditors , Point of SaleBusiness Name , DiaryWagesDocument Manager , Unlock , Backup, Memo

NOTE: By moving the mouse over the buttons, the help box at the bottom of that screen will give you a brief description of the function of that button.

 You must enter the Your "SMTP" Address into the [SMTP] field.  If you do not know your SMTP address contact your internet provider.

Examples of SMTP addresses are :

ISP Outgoing Mail Server
Bigpond :
Blink Internet :
Dodo :
iiNet :
Optusnet :
Ozemail :
People Telecom : (NSW)
Three (3G Mobile) :
Unwired : **
Virgin Mobile 3G
Vodafone 3G

Windows Live Hotmail SMTP server address: or
windows Live Hotmail and Gmail SMTP port: 587
Windows Live Hotmail and Gmail  SMTP SSL required: yes

Enter "Your Email Address" into the [FROM] field then click on the [Save] button.
YOU MUST PRESS The SAVE button after entering your SMTP Address and your Email address.
When save is pressed it will bring up a credentials dialogue box.  ( see dark green box above )
Credentials Dialogue box:  When asked for credentials ( user name and password ) normally these fields are left blank.  Only fill out these fields if advised by your internet  provider.  However with (Livemail),(Hotmail) and (Gmail) credentials are needed  and the SMTP Port with livemail  is set to (587) add the SSL is ticked.
With standard SMTP Servers  port (25) or (0) can be used with the SSL unticked.

The "TO" Email Address will automatically be inserted  if it has been stored in the Clients details.  This box also has a drop drop down list arrow for selecting other addresses.

This is also useful for inter office emailing.

The top three items in the list are:
 1- The address for Bizz Wizz
 2- Don't List or List Windows contacts.   Clicking on this option will turn on or off the windows contacts in this drop down list.  This may not work in XP but will in Vista and Windows 7.
3- Refresh contacts List.    Clicking on this option refreshes the list to allow for changes and additions.
The rest of the list is your contacts and users

You will notice a [Append Address [ tick box at the end of the [TO] field .  This tick box when ticked will ADD email addresses into the [TO] field so you can send to multiple recipients like Bcc.
The [C] button  means C for change. This button will allow you to change the last windows user contact or Sales user selected.  NOTE: Customer contacts can only be changed in the customer list not by using the [C] button, however the [TO] address can be edited.

To add an Attachment, Just "Drag and Drop" the file into the attachment box OR click on the [Add] button which will take you to the [Open Dialogue] popup. You can then select the file you wish to send as the Attachment. If you change your mind and need to delete the Attachment, click on the [Delete] button.
The documents button allows you to access the document manager.  You can drag and drop documents from the document manager into the attachment box if needed.

The Read Receipt option when sent will auto ask the recipient to send a receipt.

Send with letter head - includes you letterhead in the email.

Send Copy to my Email Address - sends a copy to your email address and can be found in your default email program. This is so you don't have to use outlook to send to have a copy, you can just send from BizzWizz. 

To write a message, click in the  message box and type your message. When sending an Invoice or Order you will note that some text is placed in the box already this text is put there so if the letter head is not sent the recipient will know who sent the email.

You can send emails via Bizz Wizz or Outlook or your Default Email program

Send Message -  To send the email via Bizz Wizz click on the the [Send Message] button.

 Default - To choose Default you need to click on the [ Default ] button located at the bottom left of the screen and not the Send Message button.
The default mail program will need the attachments dragged in but BW will load the window on screen to do this.

 Outlook - To choose Outlook you need to click on the [ Outlook] button located at the bottom left of the screen and not the Send Message button.

 Cancel - If you need to cancel the Email click on the [Cancel] button.

To use Outlook as the default setting, go to the Invoicing program Setups . When you click on [Email using Outlook not Bizz Wizz] all emails will be sent via Outlook and not Bizz Wizz. If you don't click on this option then all emails will be sent via the Bizz Wizz program.  Note you must have a copy of Outlook to use it!

Bizz Wizz : Setup , Main Menu , Ledger , Phone Book , Invoice Book , Stock Book , Order Book , Creditors , Point of SaleBusiness Name , DiaryWagesDocument Manager , Unlock , Backup , Memo